By: Julian Salas Luis Rodas
Sociologist. Specialist and Master in Social Sciences
Master of Science in Education: Social Development
Foundation Executive Director for Human Welfare.
The Assembly of Members, the Board of Directors, Executive Management and staff are essential components of the social structure of an NGO. The statutes indicate corresponding features to meet each estate. Most of the time the statutes were burdensome in listing rules and functions. With few exceptions, organizations have problems arising from the wording of the statute and when it does solve the problem reform. Adequate social structure that facilitates communication and relationships is a basic condition to enable the fulfillment of the mission and activities. The Board is a decisive stage in securing the success of the organization. The individual and group performance of its members in carrying out institutional roles and responsibilities is a prerequisite for this purpose. There are no magic formulas, no infallible guarantee the success of the management board. Metro's dictionary defines the English language, amongst others, the term track like " Any sign or signal that provides guidance or direction to find something or figure out a fact." The following tips can guide us in order to build and maintain a Board of Directors successful.
. criteria defined in the profile of members. boards tend to spend much time and attention to the selection and appointment of Director (a) Executive (a) and little to the nomination of new members. In those NGOs that are governed by principles of democratic governance is the General Partner that elects, by majority, people will take part in the meeting. If you previously did not have a profile defined criteria it is likely that the composition of the board to follow subjective aspects and interests of power rather than objective factors or requirements of the organization. The profile should be set according to parameters that take into account the stage of the life cycle of the organization, the goals of the strategic and operational plans developed, the real-time availability, level of education, professional experience, gender and generation A proper balance of professions, a receptive attitude to take on tasks and responsibilities as well as be willing to be evaluated on their performance by their peers. Not enough to express the desire to connect, to be a friend of the President (a) of the Board or the Director (a), to have a high social status, or having few free hours a month. Once defined these criteria should be formalized a systematic selection, engagement, induction, motivation, and evaluation of new partners, including prospective candidates to be part of the Board. This task can be carried out under the guise of a nominating committee. Select an action is not without its faults. The same Jesus of Nazareth was wrong to choose one of his disciples ... but today, after two thousand years, and have criteria and management tools that help us reduce the risk of an ill-advised choice.
. Existence of a strong personal and institutional commitment. When the selection and induction of new board member has been successful, when it can freely express their opinions and propose initiatives, when possible place an order and report on, and when offered opportunities for skills and personal development , we find a board that promotes favorable conditions for membership generated in the sense of belonging and, therefore, a strong personal commitment to the organization. The repeated absence at meetings, apathy, disinterest and lack of communication are indicative of the lack of commitment. Without commitment from members of the board functions become a dead letter, a mere protocol to cover appearances. Not create added value to the organization, it is deprived of having an instance of routing and collegial leadership and the risk of perpetuating leadership styles autocratic protocol or the President or the Executive Directorate, which end up being harmful to the change and sustainability of the organization. How can employees sue mystical and commitment if earlier Board members do not give example? Effective and enthusiastic commitment is one that is rooted as a principle of action in the plan of life of people. As a volunteer with an NGO, how much I've incorporated a commitment to the institution in my life plan? What I can balance made between the personal satisfaction it gives me the organization and the contribution I make on time, expertise and resources to carry out the mission? At what point do in fact my commitment? These are questions that each Board member must be answered to determine the degree of commitment to the institution that claims to belong.
. Knowledge of the organization, the social sector, and peers. A strong commitment involves an ongoing interest in learning about the activities of corporate management, human, administrative and financial organization. Committed board member is one who attends regular sessions, questions, reports and participates in its sole discretion in decisions. Unlike the ceremonial meetings where members can scarcely account for the institutional activities, in successful meetings members are characterized by a deep knowledge of the organization, its partners, employees, target groups, donors, by tracking which make programs and projects and to stay abreast of changes, opportunities and threats in the environment. Are members who are able to provide information and answer questions from the happening of any third party entity. The successful meeting because it is beyond the knowledge and commitment of its members provides the opportunity for these to qualify in fulfilling its role so we can add value to the institution.
NGOs are part of the so-called social sector comprises the group of civil organizations non-profit, private initiative, aims for human and social development of individuals, groups, families and vulnerable communities. Democracy is the most conducive environment for the expansion and strengthening of civil society organizations. In the world, not only in Colombia, NGOs are frontline actors in the social sector. Their initiatives, size and heterogeneity of organizations from the rest. Each member, and the full board, have to engage not only to know your body, have, too. to devote time and attention to find out what happens in the social sector and the possible relationships that must be initiated and maintained with other public sector entities and business. Gone are the days of confinement, isolated work, anonymous and low profile. The trust, the foundation of social capital, is woven into networks and partnerships we have with the people and related institutions.
The Board is a team with specific functions and also a group of people with needs for achievement, recognition, appreciation, security and communication. Addition name, occupation and profession, the board members have to try and deepen the relationships and foster social integration times. Ignorance towards the other does not encourage respectful dialogue, much less constructive discussion of ideas and proposals. It is clear that a Board should not become a prime gathering where informality and joy at all times, nor should it be a meeting of strangers under the rule of lack of initiative, isolation, distrust and suspicion. It is the job of President (a) and the Director (a) create a climate of understanding and cordiality among the members, to make the game friendly, promotes personal enrichment and increase the desire to participate and mobilize all resources to the organization.
. Plan and schedule activities Today, many NGOs have begun to implement management principles and tools of strategic and operational planning. Few have expanded the action to improve the performance of its board. The meeting agenda is not due to priorities, but the weight of the seemingly routine or the President or the Board. The scarce and valuable time is spent in treating recurrent economic afugias everyday, or anecdotal accounts of the Executive. Planning and scheduling involves preparing regular sessions together by the President (a) and Director (a), the distribution of time for each item on the agenda, the pre-submission of reports and documents to members for consideration, the establishment of a monthly schedule of meetings and confirmation of attendance of members, among other activities. The board must formulate, implement and evaluate their annual operating plan, which must relate to the organization's strategic plan. The meeting agenda should correspond to the development of operational plan must not only deal with the internal affairs but has to pay attention to the external environment in terms of public policy, formation of alliances, partnerships and joint ventures. The operational plan should set the date and number of sessions devoted to the processing board of the central issues and routine matters so that management time to prepare their reports. In formulating a successful meeting of the annual operating plan is the result of active participation of all members, who, in turn, are responsible for their monitoring and evaluation.
. Establish clear boundaries between governance and management. While organization theorists argue that the role of boards is to address the strategic direction, policy formulation and monitoring of management while the Executive Directorate is responsible for managing the human resources, financial, technical for effective social management. In our environment, things are not that sharp. In a case study of 12 NGOs [1] found that in 14% of the institutions administrative responsibilities of the exclusive competence of the Board, in 30%, exclusive of the Executive, and in 56% responsibilities are shared between the Board and management. These results indicate that there are NGOs which joints are involved, in the form of co-management in the management of the organization. Here power is shared. Mutual responsibility of participating in decision making and execution of tasks. The co-management model requires to be successful, a high level of consistency between the classes of authority and duties assigned, and otherwise creates conflicts and power struggles that resent the whole structure and dynamics of the organization. The statutes set, sometimes with the thoroughness of a regulation, the relevant functions of the Board and management, however this is not provided the guarantees for its full implementation in many organizations because the informality of personal relationships beyond the statutory limits formality seeks to impose. What more appropriate model? Does the co-management or line separation in the distribution of responsibilities between the Board and management? Depending on the life cycle of the organization, its size, complexity, resources and predominant leadership styles must set the boundaries between governance and management. The important thing is that the chosen model of consistency and avoid friction wear on both estates and therefore the organization.
. shared leadership and promote democratic governance. If the General Assembly of Members of an NGO is the wrong choice members of a Board the matter is serious. If the board, in turn, is wrong in the appointment of its Chairman (a) the matter is very serious. And if you also fail to appoint the Director (a) Executive (a) the matter is extremely serious for the proper functioning of the entire organization. Members of the Board, its Chairman (a) and Director (a) Executive (a) are not only the authority but above all, have the task of providing shared leadership. The exercise of leadership is associated with intrinsic qualities of the personality and charisma, vision, ability to organize and convene, decision making, sense of duty and enthusiasm. The leadership guide motivated and confident is what gives "example" and is consistent between thought and action. The chief - leader is someone who does not need to impose its power as has the recognition and legitimacy of their authority. Misuse of power and authority, unfair, excessive default, it undermines the legitimacy of leadership. Leadership drives the organization to set new challenges, increase their self-confidence and personal and institutional pride. Customers are sent only those who like to stay in the comfort of the routine functions of the office, the organization stagnate, pinned, making it resistant to change, denying and hiding development opportunities environmental threats.
Peter Drucker identifies four essential characteristics of an effective leader:
1. "The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers. Some people are thinkers, other prophets. Both roles are important and very necessary, but without followers there can be no leaders.
2. An effective leader is not someone you want or admire. Is someone whose followers do what is due. Popularity is not leadership, results if they are.
3. Leaders are highly visible. Therefore set examples.
4. Leadership is not rank, privileges, titles or money: it is the responsibility "[2]
The exercise of a shared and effective leadership should be reflected and leave your mark on the culture of the organization. Values, modes of feeling, thinking and acting of the leaders influence the attitudes and behaviors of their subordinates turning his followers. The identification of purpose between leaders and followers results in the creation of an organizational culture and individual self. The personal and collective self of belonging to a successful organization and social recognition for its results are tangible achievements of the practice of shared leadership and effective. When an organization becomes a role model, an example to be emulated by others, also is telling us performance wise and responsible leadership. Special mention shared leadership between the President (a) of the Board and the Director (a) Executive (a). There is leadership shared between them when there is empathy, respect for the powers, Active listening, frequent and cordial communication. When there is desire for leadership, professional jealousy, mistrust, distance and poor listening and communication between them, leadership is not shared but competitive. War is declared or the underlying struggle for power and influence. In this situation spreads division, removal of members, rumors and discouragement that weaken and thin relationships having harmful effects both on the board and the organization.
As democratic governance is not just about the exercise of sound shared leadership but also the practice of transparency in the election of officers and the ongoing search for consensus in decision-making. The arbitrary, hierarchical imposition, censorship, manipulation and concealment have no place in a board that assumed to be governed by democratic values \u200b\u200band principles. The criteria of rotation and retention of board members must ensure free aspiration and the appointment to positions of authority. Autocracy and dominant leadership style, whether the President (a) or Director (a) prevent the democratic governance of the board and is an obstacle to resolving conflicts, inevitable in human society, by way of consensus and negotiation An NGO can be successful and yet governed by an autocratic leadership style, but this is not the value that we promote and strengthen our organizations .. The success can also be reached by conviction and the full exercise of democratic governance. If you yearn to live in a society more just, peaceful and democratic must lead by example in the management of organizations to which we belong.
. evaluate performance. boards have the authority to monitor and demand results from the Directorate and operating equipment. The boards, in turn, respond to the Members' Meeting for good or ill programmatic and financial results achieved in a given period. The voluntary nature of members, most of the boards of NGOs, it is not enforceable by administrative performance evaluation. By a sort of immunity and awe is still poorly understood eximendo boards to be evaluated. This situation must change. This is not finger-pointing, to request waivers, or to alienate. It is installed on the board of a culture of evaluation to continuous improvement and efficiency of their actions on itself, the organization and the environment. The self-assessment of each member, the performance analysis group and of the President (a) and the Director (a) Executive (a) are essential for progress in strengthening and concrete commitments to improve performance. Without regular and systematic evaluation is not possible to know where we stand and where we want to reach our commitment. A true shared leadership has nothing to fear from the process of evaluating individual and collective performance of the board, by contrast, would promote the initiative to set up, by consensus, criteria, procedures and indicators of quantitative and qualitative performance . If at the organization's board must give an example of accountability and democratic governance, so must make in evaluating their performance. It is neither feasible nor possible, continue with the attitudes and practices of the past. NGOs Boards require committed, informed, qualified and professional. The challenges of present and future demand profound personal and institutional. Not passing it involves following the path of extinction.
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[1] criteria and strategies for strengthening the boards of NGOs PAISAJOVEN members of the corporation. Luis Salas Julian Rhodes. MedellĂn. 2000.
[2] future leader. Peter Drucker. Foundation. Editorial Planeta. Bogotá, 1996. Page: 12