Sunday, August 3, 2003

Jewel De Nyle And Shelly Martinez Streaming


By: Julian Salas Luis Rodas

Sociologist. Specialist and Master in Social Sciences

Executive Director of the Foundation for Human Welfare

management system is a model quality, internationally accepted, for the continuous improvement of production of goods and services to the customer-focused organizations. One of the principles that govern it is to install a culture of measurement and control for making this decision based on facts and real data. Obtaining certification is an organizational achievement through which to obtain external recognition and demonstrate the ability to meet customer requirements and laws.

Compliance with the rule implies that all levels of the organization become integral part of quality management. In the case of non-governmental organizations that aspire to become certified should include the operation of the Board as a compulsory system. We can not have the search and maintenance of the principle of quality is a matter of the Executive Directorate and operational staff only. Diagnostics and research on organizational development of NGOs have confirmed the urgency to start building work, advice and support to the boards to stop being an instance of protocol, anchored in the past, visions and models of other times and may be renewed, affirming their commitment and improve performance generating added value to the organization.

The adoption of quality management must become an opportunity for change of the Boards of Directors of NGOs. This change necessarily transform styles, routines and criteria for individual and group performance. It also involves being willing to accept to be evaluated in the performance of the duties and responsibilities, overcoming fears, conscious and unconscious, that the concept of evaluation is in our imagination, such as fear of being compared to others, fear of further competition not to be heard, to which we assign greater responsibility, to risk our reputation, status, career, etc..

Without ongoing assessment and without indicators of process and outcome it is not possible to continue the working procedure of the Board. Overcoming resistance and overcome the skepticism of the members of the Board are necessary steps. One way to address this situation is to have shared leadership of the President (a) of the Board and the Director (a) Executive (a). If they give the example to undergo the assessment process, will no arguments to the other members to do so. It is clear that decision making requires a prior awareness and group motivation.

Admittedly, in the middle of NGOs there is a strong tradition of evaluation as a procedure policy. The inclusion of volunteering as one of the basic components of the management model in the sector has been difficult to introduce and develop a proposal evaluated in terms of verification organizations and social impact .. In this sense the non-profit entities U.S. have established criteria and procedures by the nominating committee named to select, motivate and evaluate volunteers and candidates to belong to entities. There, the applicant must, within a specified period, to mobilize financial resources, demonstrate enthusiasm, commitment, and suitability. Once it passes the tests and is rated positively, the candidate is nominated and accepted active member.

In many companies in developed countries there is the professional paid as a member of the Board which will require time, activities and results, as consideration for their time, knowledge and experiences. In NGOs this figure barely begun to consider volunteering without pay, almost all of the members of the Board. Increasing competition, new requirements of the State, international cooperation, the benefactors and the community of NGOs demand creativity, efficiency, compliance and transparency. The change also calls for the Board of Directors. No longer just "want to do good and make a grain of sand "to solve social problems. While the voluntary nature of members of the boards of NGOs must renew their personal commitment to the organization by providing not only presence, time and relationships, but helping to create added value to the strategic direction to policy formulation, the analysis environment, the design of new programs and services, and comprehensive strengthening of the Board and the organization you claim to belong .. For these purposes not remain mere intentions is essential to incorporate a management performance evaluation as a regular and systematic procedure, the will enable continuous improvement of each member and the Board as a whole.

components operating procedure and evaluation of Board of Directors, its committees, the President (a) and the Director (a) Executive (a)

. Objective

. Scope

. Reference documents

. Flowchart

. Description of the procedure


1. annual operating plan formulation work of the Board

2. Preparation of regular

3. Sending information to members

4. Preparation of Board members and committees to

5. regular meetings

6. Development Meeting

7. Preventive actions

8. Actions after the regular meetings of the Board

9. Directors and the Committees

10. Group evaluation of the functioning of the board and

11. committees

12. Choice of method performance evaluation group

13. corrective actions

14. performance evaluation criteria individual

15. corrective actions

16. President assessment criteria (a) of the Board

17. corrective actions

18. performance evaluation criteria of the Director (a)

19. Executive (a) Corrective actions

. resources, materials and equipment

. Tools

. Indicators management process and

. Safety and protective

. Responsible procedure

In accordance with the requirements ISO 9001 activities must be responsible and registration forms.

(click on image to enlarge)


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