Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Does The Red Flower Pin Mean

There are some considerations when it is intended to equip and increase the ability of military forces, especially when a State (as in Latin America) decides to use military forces to support joint or other security forces, threats against "nontraditional" current (as drug trafficking, organized crime groups, including natural disasters).

Ideally military capabilities must be beyond the capacities of traditional security forces responsible for public order and protect citizens.

Military force must act where the capacity of a police force is reduced by the nature of the threat, terrain, training and equipment it has.

The Central American region is strategic for drug trafficking into North America and Europe. Like organized crime, and financial resources obtained illegally, the gangs get weapons that provides them with firepower, high mobility with land, air and maritime segments have been socialized with people and support them alert. The equipment that the police used in the normal patrol prevention in urban areas is insufficient and inadequate to meet the threat in rural areas or at sea.

A state shall employ the first police forces.
As the situation warrants, may use military forces facing the threat in support of them.

What should be considered when planning investment in military equipment?

The equipment of the military must possess mobility, armor, firepower (individual and collective weapons), communications, GPS, ability to move across country, ability to break down barriers (walls) and ramming other vehicles .

Examples of choices of equipment for ground forces to be employed against the threat:

Air support (fixed wing or rotary) for the ground force should have at least FLIR equipment and hoist (extraction or landing).

The equipment of the naval forces to ensure the "presence and permanence" in the sea must be aimed at obtaining: buoyancy (center), machines and management systems for "movement" at sea, navigation systems and electronic systems for command, control and communications (with other ships, naval support and the mainland).

naval operations against the threat, require equipment for detection, tracking and interception.

airspace control is in charge of the Air Force. Radar systems and reconnaissance equipment and infrastructure required to ensure detection, identification, interception, interdiction and fire support to naval and ground units. The transportation capacity in case agency missions disaster must not be ignored.

Other capabilities of an air force:

American armies, by government regulation, are used in the fight against global threats. Security strategy, at least in Latin America can not ignore the military, given the nature of combat the threat.

States and its police force need the support of military forces equipped with their own capacity to prevent organized crime capture the State and / or their institutions.

Additional notes:

national army was reduced beyond what sent the Peace Accords and territorial control was lost. The PNC has been seriously invested by drug trafficking, corrupt and bought ... President Alvaro Colom.

However, it pains me to see how various governments have decimated the ability of the army, to have more than 45000 troops today has only a little over 10.000 which has reduced the capacity of reaction and territorial control thereof. Has been a continuing strategy of groups and individuals in other governments to remove the military.


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