Thursday, September 30, 2010

How To Get Semen Stain Out Of Seat

Discipline is the last bastion of the institutional system when it breaks, even for a reason you want to be seen as valid, is in the exact spot where he began the descent
a decline that could degenerate into anarchy.

When is an act of indiscipline in the light of loyalty?
valid when an act of indiscipline in the light of the virtue of "denial"?

These are values \u200b\u200bthat are grown not in two months.
The challenge of leading precarious resources is voluntary and maintain a loyal attitude, build self-sacrificing character, without hurting the dignity of the subaltern, to ensure their own welfare for efficiency in performance.

The September 30, 2010 11:35
QUITO (AP) - Hundreds of police and military on Thursday took the regiment's largest airport in Quito and the capital, as shown extensively on television, in protest against a new Public Service Act that would take away profits.

with burning tires, pumps tear gas and beatings, police took the Regiment Quito and other police stations in Guayaquil and other cities, closed access roads to the capital. Military

took the Mariscal Sucre airport, according to transmissions.

doing well in a crisis of this kind shows leadership and that discipline can not only solve problems, but also guarantees the permanence of the institutions.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Father Birthday Speech Template

Intelligence Course International and Inter

September 17 closed the Basic Course and the International Intelligence Agency, aimed at government and military officials in the region. The course was held at the premises of the Army Intelligence School in Guatemala.

The Intelligence is making important efforts by the global security situation that exists and the companies expect results in terms of safety. Attendance at this course demonstrates the willingness of participating states and institutions to specialize in intelligence and regional cooperation.

participated in the course Forces Conference Central American Armed (CFAC) with two military officers in Honduras and Nicaragua. Representatives of Guatemala Guatemala Army, Department of Strategic Intelligence (SIE), Directorate General of Civil Intelligence (DIGICI), Superintendency of Tax Administration (SAT), the Public Ministry (MP), Secretariat of Administrative Affairs and Security Presidency (SAAS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The success of the security policy has a good percentage of effectiveness on the intelligence available to produce bodies. The effort vanishes without a good relationship of institutions.

The greatest satisfaction intelligence analyst is seeing the success of operations by police units and accurate shots to groups that threaten public safety. The intelligence school instills in its graduates that the findings and recommendations to their respective superiors must be framed within the principles and values \u200b\u200bof the group; ensure conceptual unity of the national intelligence in their respective institutions use technology and accept full criticism for improvement.

An intelligence analyst in his heart, pride and satisfaction to have provided an accurate analysis and timely, reliable information for the success of operations to ensure safety.

photos blog on Facebook Guatemala Army

Monday, September 27, 2010

Peace Symbol Sideways Mean

cooperate and learn ... a bird's two wings

Now I can see my book want to announce his birth. Many authors use the metaphor of the child to describe the emotion that takes to complete a project of this type and, indeed, it is. However, with this book I also feel that I return to many, black and white, their voices, their looks, their gestures and silences that I have brought the idea to cooperate and learn to educate twice. So I get excited. This book seeks to articulate ideas in its pages involving many, not the deployment of a lonely spirit.

And here's the issue. It is called "Cooperation social learning as a condition "The edit the Open University of Catalunya and is part of the Library Education and Society Red Blood directed by Albert à , whom I thank for their trust and the Prologue.

is presented like this:
Is it possible that all students can learn together and not fail? Can the school regain its status by extending the basic form of teacher-student (s)? What adds the presence of "other" in the training of all? Why cooperation deals a fixture, and sometimes even disturbing, in educational practice? Is the diversity and ethical values \u200b\u200bthat cooperation can coexist in the classroom? Is the pedagogy of cooperation add educational value to networking in the Network Society? These questions are the theme of the educational thinking in this book. In an attempt to elucidate the co-author examines this old unknown in education, from the sociocultural explanation of the learning process, through the characterization of cooperation as pedagogical action, recovering the educational research to recognize their strengths and drawbacks and the end, offering basic forms of teacher orientation cooperation among students. Everything leads the author to be more convinced that learning and cooperation is to educate twice.
is organized as í:

Chapter I. Learning as social interaction property
1. The sociocultural basis of cooperative learning
1.1. Higher psychological processes
1.2. Social and cultural mediation
2. Zone Proximal Development (ZPD) as the unit of social interaction
3. The development of peer ZDP
4. Peer cooperation and cooperative learning
Chapter II. The pedagogy of cooperation
1. Cooperation as a form of pedagogical action
2. Competitive, individualistic and cooperative learning
3. Characterization of the cooperative interaction
3.1. Cooperation or collaboration?
3.2. Delimitation the concept of cooperative learning
4. Cooperative learning teams: a unit of inter
Chapter III. The educational potential of cooperative interaction
1. A level of academic performance
2. Interpersonal level
3. Intrapersonal level
4. Difficulties and limitations of the cooperative interaction
5. The role of teachers in the process of cooperative interaction
Chapter IV. Cooperative learning methods
1. Considerations for structuring teams
2. Learning together
3. Puzzle
4. Teams of students
research teams in its pages
-aided search of psychology, pedagogy, research and teaching-which Mario Benedetti told us: "I can your and my love, come together partner."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Visa Arrival Message Where Can Do

139 Course on International Humanitarian Law Conference at the URL

Del 13 to 24 September was carried out in the Institute International Humanitarian Law, San Remo, Italy, International Course 139 Military Law in Armed Conflicts.

During involving 23 people, military and civilian: Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and the United States .

Contents methodologies and provide updates to the teaching of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in the different steps of the military.

The military department of the institute has organized the course so that teachers and researchers participate in conferences, roundtables and workshops that generate debate to draw conclusions mainly on the dynamics of the current nature of conflict to violence and taking into account global the nature of man, diverse behaviors generated by the combination of human factors, social and political.

future scenarios Understand and appreciate the role of global political power in search of the point of balance between ensuring security and order without prejudice to the rights and freedoms is the main aim of the researcher who attend the course in San Remo.

The Course Director, Captain Augusto Roberto Moreno (Argentina) directed this course the military, military lawyers and scholars placing them in fictional situations for training purposes and as part of Staffs of large U.S. military units in the conflict, which permits the use and analysis of all legal instruments and past experiences to decision-making with the respective academic debate.

as class instructors play: Commodore Bonadeo Armando Alberto (Argentina), Captain (R) Pedro Raul Pedrozo (USA) and Commander Paulo E. Pinto da Costa (Brazil).

Course Leader and instructors

course of 139 Members


Rank, name


1. Commander Felix Antonio SPORE


2. Darling Colonel Ramiro Valencia AVILA


3. Capit will n Joao Paulo P. SILVA


4. Capit will n Fragata Luiz Claudio LIMA MARTINS

5. Mayor Andre Gustavo Fernandes Peçanha

Cape Verde

6. BARBOSA Lieutenant Colonel Alberto Fernandes




8. Attorney Alejandro ENRIQUEZ Yevenes Naval


9. SANDOVAL Rodrigo Coronel CALDERON


10. Lieutenant Commander Luz Marina URREA VANEGAS


11. Vessel Cap Oswaldo Pazmino


12. Colonel Eduardo F. ESCOBAR CEDENO

13. Tte. COL. Eduardo Viteri




15. Commander Hector M. LOPEZ THIRD


16. Commander Fernando GARCIA OCAMPO




18. ULLOA Lt Col Mario Jose GARCIA




20. Fatima Rosary Lawyer GORDON CID


21. Lt. Cor. Luis ROCCA Erquiaga


22. Attorney Synthia Carrillo


23. Judge Advocate Antonio RAIMONDO