September 17 closed the Basic Course and the International Intelligence Agency, aimed at government and military officials in the region. The course was held at the premises of the Army Intelligence School in Guatemala.
The Intelligence is making important efforts by the global security situation that exists and the companies expect results in terms of safety. Attendance at this course demonstrates the willingness of participating states and institutions to specialize in intelligence and regional cooperation.
participated in the course Forces Conference Central American Armed (CFAC) with two military officers in Honduras and Nicaragua. Representatives of Guatemala Guatemala Army, Department of Strategic Intelligence (SIE), Directorate General of Civil Intelligence (DIGICI), Superintendency of Tax Administration (SAT), the Public Ministry (MP), Secretariat of Administrative Affairs and Security Presidency (SAAS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The success of the security policy has a good percentage of effectiveness on the intelligence available to produce bodies. The effort vanishes without a good relationship of institutions.
The greatest satisfaction intelligence analyst is seeing the success of operations by police units and accurate shots to groups that threaten public safety. The intelligence school instills in its graduates that the findings and recommendations to their respective superiors must be framed within the principles and values \u200b\u200bof the group; ensure conceptual unity of the national intelligence in their respective institutions use technology and accept full criticism for improvement.
An intelligence analyst in his heart, pride and satisfaction to have provided an accurate analysis and timely, reliable information for the success of operations to ensure safety.
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