Monday, February 21, 2011

Places That Will Ship To Canada Airsoft

Judgement reserved on other revolutions A Beautiful World

quick translation Reserving Judgement about Other People's revolutions of Vinay Gupta. Comments, please!

Four runs short

  1. Much of the excitement on Twitter is based on the simple fact that people feel more secure by the riots in other countries, because it means you do not have to take to the streets here.
  2. there any future in which this is the beginning of a global economic collapse or a violent wave of repression than the previous history Arabic or worse and people are encouraging all that, outside [the consequences].
  3. United States and Britain have a poor record of civil rights, murderous wars have begun, have sent people around the world to be tortured and held at Guantanamo Bay. l may not be a democracy what you mean. "Civil rights, perhaps?
  4. Please please please think before getting involved in events of this level of complexity and risk of massive loss of human lives. Had a slow transition path? Do Egyptian military ball will move when the time of the election? What if everything goes wrong? What if Iran slides into the riots? "Saudi Arabia?

do not know how all this will come out, but it is up, given the complexity of the situation, paying attention to the negative side, trying to minimize risks to life and physical integrity of all stakeholders , and deal with our own political problems at home - elected politicians and their invasions murderers that kill millions - if we are so excited about other people's revolution.

This is not a safe territory. is not a sport chair. Please respect the lives of all involved.


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