Monday, October 25, 2010

Jcpenney Highlight Cost

research subject

This paper explores a network formation as a research subject's own development cross the network society. We present the conceptual premises, the institutional framework, levels of study and work approaches of the new Activity Centre, Innovation and Trends in Training Network, Scopeo . Also presents the results of the first two research training network in the four core areas of study: pre-university level, the level higher public administration and private enterprise.

SUAREZ, Christopher (2010). "The online training as an object of study [article online]. Magazine University and Knowledge Society (RoHS). Vol 7, No. 2. UOC . ISSN 1698-580X.

e-Learning as an Object of Study (Inglés version)

Premises concpetuales

characterize the network formation as a case study of an observatory is not an idea out of context, it implies and explains from a series of assumptions that can be characterized as:

1. Virtuality is the condition technology in running and regenerates the network society. ¬ ence the emergence of this new stage instrumental, which is emblematic archetype internet ¬ type represents an important technical advancement for mankind but set up also a new socio ¬ ral horizon of human development that hosts a series of local transformations global and constantly being validated.

2. The network society is open, flexible and enriches a particular school in ¬ around. Besides the impact on various social dynamics, as in production processes and labor, the exercise of citizenship ¬ ISA, cultural production models, the oppor ¬ tunities for trade, affective expression alternatives, forms of news media, entertainment options, among others, network formation also manifests itself as an extension of "natural" to the emerging socio-technological development.

3. The network training environments add changes to the education and care put new kernels. Involve a number of new goals, processes, ¬ convictions and learning conditions and the emergence of new social actors and the replanting ¬ approach of shared traditional educational roles. All this creates a number of opportunities in the en-dards of human interaction in general terms, and a number of new challenges and dilemmas that education, broadly defined, must be assumed as the new com ¬ rapporteur of the current educational models.

4. Besides the economic and political optimism as ¬ formation to a network, it has a symbolic impact on people, ¬ tions in institutions and social dynamics. Whether as a sideline to the physical or virtual STRICT ¬ activity, as regulated activity or as informal, as part of training or personal development or as part of basic education or additional training network emerges as a social priority in the framework of the network society.

5. Therefore, if the present compo ¬ technology adds a component to the training, know what research adds to this technological development to improve their competence ¬ me education in current society. As access to information that is not the same access to knowledge, nor have the tool in the classroom, or classroom-ca ¬ ity involves education, study the development of a network ¬ tion in its various manifestations and from interdisciplinary approaches, appears as an action justified in the network society. This would enhance their strengths and minimize its weaknesses.

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