Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010 List Facebook
Although not a categorical list of eLearning tools, since the selection of technology in education technology depends on satisfaction of a number of questions (what, what, how, what, when, who or where teaching and learning), no doubt, is indicative of trends. The good news is that this list is the product of a sustained and promoted by Jane Hart -the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies - which has counted this time with 545 people who have provided with their own successes or failures of the methodology to collect the opinions, their judgments of experts from around the world.
Twitter continues to set the hour, as seen in the table followed by YouTube maintaining well relative to previous years. For its part Google Docs, Slideshare , Skype have improved their acceptance, while Delicious, Google Reader , Wordpress and Moodle have declined slightly among the top ten e-learning tools. However significant amounts Facebook passing the number 31 in 2009 to 9 in 2010. Personally, if it were not for the option Group recently announced by Facebook, the social network does not inspire me relevant educational use, at least to be in the place you are located.
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