Friday, November 26, 2010

• Reasons For Wearing Medical Gloves

Security Challenges: The capture of a State

The security threat today overwhelms countries. Basically revolves around the threat of organized criminal gangs. These bands are not looking to come to power through armed struggle in the style of that time was the "communist threat" during the Cold War era in which groups at least openly declared his intention while operating from hiding.

Organized crime seeks the total power, total control, in a much more subtle and dangerous because it seeks to penetrate the institutions, to take control of them for their own illegal purposes, creating real networks impunity.

This affected the institutions of the States. The institutions are represented in key organizations that through their act provides and maintains an established order to achieve development, public service and safety citizens.

All institutions are exposed to this threat. But there is some evidence identify attacks or attempts to control the institutions.

Organized crime plan actions against the institutions responsible for providing security in the States, are more or less a process as follows:






The dispersion promote it when influencing criminal groups in areas - usually political - to open multiple locations in a geographic area to exercise control, but without considering that the institution has little effect (number of elements) and without adequate equipment to deal with illegal armed groups if they have shielded means of mobility, firepower and communications . And dispersing a force in clear disadvantaged status, making it weakens inoperative in order to fulfill its mission.

Organized crime also seek influence through political means to deny the allocation of financial resources to enable adequate equipment, in the face of the threat to the security so efficient. The institution is present everywhere but unable to operate.

criteria within the leadership of the institution regarding this situation are diverse. There is a risk of forming a misunderstanding and lack of certainty about whether the controls are aware of the real situation. This begins to create gossip and consequently the "internal division" due to lack of information. An institution that is divided is becoming vulnerable. The accomplishment of the tasks becomes more difficult because of the precarious logistics, equipment and means of training.

training, values \u200b\u200band morals of the members of the institution is one of the main weapons to fight the division. Similarly, the confidence in the controls. Clarify whether it is not unfair or attitude needs to be ignored, but the clear influence of organized crime in environments outside the institution, seeking to further their criminal plans (if any). The division is produced in a high percentage of lack of such information.

The next step of organized crime is infiltrating the institution. Organised crime commissioning persons to hold positions in the institution to infiltrate or promote appointments at all levels to contribute to the criminal plans. Used extortion, threats or bribery to locate "parts" key to illegal purposes. Another way to infiltrate the purchase of information to anticipate the operations of institutions that seek to counteract the threat to security.

As a result of the increase of people infiltrated by the gangs and the increase of illegal acts committed by members of the institution in fulfilling its obligations the institution corrupts. An institution is corrupted when it has lost its credibility and respect for the society it serves, because its members, individually or collectively, have no concern for being perceived as corrupt. It is also characterized because it is very difficult to ascertain the facts to assign responsibility for the criminal.

The attack on the institution was consolidated with the decertification of its members and leaders. Use of slander, libel and rumor. Infiltrates play an important role in misrepresenting facts disclosing information to mean speeding the wrong conclusion in public.

anonymous publications corruption may also discredited. The decertification weakens and leads to the failure of the institution, its inefficiency and lack of productivity.

Rescue institutionalism is a phrase that means that the company regain confidence in their institutions.

Rescuing the institutional framework is the responsibility of each member of the institution to fulfill its duties honestly and properly. Apply the concept of principles and values \u200b\u200bin group that is, the mistake or committed an illegal act at all. Unity of effort and unity to achieve conceptual mission, using criticism to improve and the available technology, will make a difference despite the limitations. Follow this guide work shows an "attitude" adequate to accomplish the mission while the institution adequately equipped.

The political will to solve a national problem can be determined by the priority with which financial resources are allocated to obtain means for the institutions.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Womens Average 5 K Time


By: Julian Salas Luis Rodas

Sociologist. Specialist and Master in Social Sciences
Foundation Executive Director Human Welfare

http://www.bienhumano. org /

A board is a team under the leadership of a president (a) has as its main objective the strategic direction of the organization in charge. Forming a team involves establishing a structure, some functions, some roles and responsibilities. In the case of NGOs for their boards of directors must respond to time, fulfilling a dual responsibility: to ensure compliance with organizational mission and generating sufficient resources for sustainability and empowerment.

about conflict theories argue that it is inherent in human relationships as expressed conflicting interests and motivations. The conflict is destructive and negative when it meets a violent or decisions are imposed, a party to the other. The conflict is positive and desirable, when encouraged to change, when you transform and resolve situations peacefully. Conflict is a powerful incentive to shake the sterile routine and immobility that often fall on the boards for lack of leadership and motivation.

The consensus can be understood as a collective action, conscious and deliberate, to set aside individual interests to come together in a common interest. Without denying or avoiding conflict, building consensus and maintaining the practice is more democratic and healthy that a board may establish, provides both cohesion social affirmation and gives corporate identity to the guild and society, but not always possible to establish consensus nor prevent the harmful effects of a poorly resolved conflict on a board. Let us, then some of the risks for such situations arise:

• No clear boundaries between government and administration

In principle administrative theory indicates that the main role of a board as an organ of government is to govern and not manage. The board sets policies, sets guidelines, calls to account, have control. The administration, the head of the executive management, organize the work as teams, assigns responsibilities, mobilizes resources, monitors and evaluates projects, establishing contacts, alliances, does public relations. In the early days of an organization is essential that the board shares administrative tasks with the executive management. As time passes and strengthens the organization is essential to establish agreements between the board and management of those functions that remain shared, which correspond to the board and what to executive management. If this is not explicitly defined will be a permanent source of interference and conflict between them.

• North than in defining the strategic direction.

The strategic direction involves the principles of strategic management have been learned and incorporated in most NGOs. While exercises are performed addressing design and review and formulation of strategic and operational plans, NGOs are still weak in implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the latter. The strategic direction should not be task and responsibility of the board but a joint exercise with executive management and staff. If the definition being and to make the organization is only responsibility of the board can not presume to be shared and respected by the rest of the organization.

From top to bottom and from bottom to top, the definition of strategic management must be an exercise of democratic governance that ensures the exchange of opinions, concepts, dreams and aspirations. The participation of all legitimate and guarantees a horizon of meaning, one north to guide the direction of the organization. Can coexist not windy, otherwise the risk of loss and the occurrence of unnecessary conflicts between agencies that are struggling to impose its own northern openly or evening.

• Incompatibility of characters between the president (a) and director (a) Executive (a)

President (a) is the highest authority on the board. In his successful election and the results depend on commitment of the team. Is he or she who must be aware of the preparation and conduct of meetings. From his knowledge of the organization, leadership and emotional intelligence and social skills or not depends on the board to focus on your work and add value to the organization. Director (a) Executive (a) depends on the development of the mission expressed in plans, programs and projects, which run the team of employees and workers linked to the organization. It is the responsibility of the director (a) accountable to the President (a) and the full Board. Among them, the president (a) and director (a), there must be respect for the powers of each and a fluid and ongoing communication. Must have a shared leadership. Must share and bear witness to others of the same identity of mission, vision, principles and organizational policies. If identities are opposite, if disrespectful, if there is interference with the powers, if there are breakdowns in communication or recurrent clashes board meetings, organizational climate is affected, giving way to struggles for power involving divisions and factions among board members. If the inconsistency is extreme or evening, the board, in full, you must decide who stays and who goes ...

• Lack of internal regulations of the board or opt

The statutes set out the structure and general rules to regulate and observe the different levels of the organization. The regulations, however, regulate specific issues and the operation of each estate. The regulations shall contain provisions concerning the functions of the President (a), director (a) Executive (a) and secretary (a); conformation committees, decision making, subject to the matters discussed, conflicts of interest, submission of proposals, as a member loss, rotation and retention of members and non-regulated materials. Without rules the president (a) and the board are likely to resolve internal issues apparently taking only subjective or situational appropriateness. The advantage of a regulation is to avoid customization in decision making and conflict resolution. The regulations should be noted incompatibilities, prohibitions and penalty procedures. The rule is one more document, is to enforce it in cases warranted. The regulation must be known, approved by all board members, subject to periodic update.

• Putting personal interests to the board and the organization.

NGOs serving the common good and with the assistance of other stakeholders like the state and private companies build and maintain public goods of a country, such as justice, security, information, access to health, education, employment, housing and a healthy environment. NGOS human change, positive social change, are the expression of altruistic values and work within the framework of respect for human rights, have political influence to the extent that pressure and mobilize public authorities for the solution of social and community problems.

We said that the form boards and, as such persons are subject to the expression of emotions, attitudes, feelings and behaviors that depend, in turn, in different personality structures. Ambition, arrogance, pride, desire for representation, disrespect, lying, addiction to power, the malicious comments, obtaining profits and lack of commitment and ownership may give rise situations of unrest, division and strife among board members. Like the organization, the board has also its own organizational culture, which can help or hinder individual or group performance. Adverse weather, difficult to build and maintain consensus, preventing communication open, honest and effective, producing a loss of interest, generate unfeasible desertions and teamwork. There must be consistency and ethics between values \u200b\u200band higher principles of the organization and conduct of board members who will, always put their personal interests to those of the board and the organization. The board can not ignore, underestimate, or allow a conflict of interest are resolved in favor of a member against herself and the organization. In other words: not explicitly and who puts personal interests to those of the organization should resign ...

• The authoritarian exercise of power as destroyer of consensus.

As in all human relationships is a latent conflict, so is the authoritarian exercise of power. The boards of NGOs are not free of abuse of power either by an autocratic president, an autocratic executive management or a certain group of board members. For example the credit and recognition to the founder, who serves as president (a) or director (a) perpetual, or certain members Principals can not lead to thinking and acting as the sole owners of the organization. When this happens, the board becomes a formal entity that transgress their rights and that only serves to save face with statutory law and society.

The statutes establish a process of rotation and retention of board members is a good antidote to prevent authoritarian exercise of power. The boards are holders of a fiduciary by the state and society at both the capital and the assets of NGOs not owned by its founders, to its corporations, its partners and members but to the community, its very raison d'ĂȘtre. The authoritarian exercise of power is inconsistent with the construction and maintenance of consensus at a meeting, the consensus can only come and stay when they apply the principles of democratic governance, free expression and discussion of ideas of transparency, trust, respect, good treatment and the possibility of any member elected by peers as President (a) of the board.

If consensus against a particular situation is not possible because of the extreme divergence of views or interests, then vote secret is the right way to settle the conflicto.La majority prevails and the minority will apparently accept the verdict and continue to give up the resistance. It is in these situations where it gets a test of leadership and wisdom of President (a) of the board.

is therefore a matter of a board of an NGO that lead to identify risks and prevent destructive conflict and the continued building of consensus. The diligent attention to this task will depend on both its good performance as his integrity and image to the rest of the organization and society.

Abercrombie Galleria, Ca Sacramento


By: Julian Salas Luis Rodas

Sociologist: Specialist and Master in Social Sciences
Foundation Executive Director Human Welfare
bienhumano @ together.

-Strengthening: urgent action

external demands as a result of changes in relations with the state, aid agencies and communities, require modernization in the design and implementation of social management of NGOs. This task can not be done If the governing bodies and senior management of NGOs, do not take their commitment and responsibility to change, resistant attitudes aside. Continue postponing a decision in this regard, is to go against the sustainability of organizations.

In the last decade of the twentieth century, NGOs began building processes in order to qualify the social and administrative management. In Antioquia, the Corporation and the Federation PAISAJOVEN Antioquia NGOs, undertook to design and carry out institutional strengthening programs to member organizations. This offer has been directed mainly to train and qualify the Executive Offices and equipment operating in accordance with specific demands, but the boards have not been included as a target group, therefore there is no structured and systematic. Hence, it is mandatory for inclusion in the plans and agendas of institutional strengthening.

-should be a participatory and non-coercive change

participatory change in an organization is one that involves, through motivation, persuasion and consensus, individuals and groups in the transformation of attitudes and behaviors to improve performance and corporate results. Coercion and imposition, since up, get results fast but short-lived. Only participatory change and tangible sustainable successes achieved in the long term.

-knowledge and reflection are a prerequisite participatory

Knowledge and participatory reflection are the first moment of the action with the seals, are the "hook" that lets you start the process of institutional strengthening. Depending on the dynamics and organizational culture of each Board, their duration and degree of difficulty, but the purpose is not only learning new skills and social skills and managerial members of the Board, but the achievement of personal change in attitudes and behaviors that lead to change group of the full Board.

group's slow pace of change is predictable, given its difficulty and time to be perceived. Only by maintaining high motivation and support, you can get results. (See illustration)

participatory change as a process involves a sequence of actions in time, each with a greater degree of difficulty and complexity. The following illustration shows the process forward. (See illustration)

- Knowledge and participatory reflection should focus on strategic issues

The results of research on the boards and leadership styles PAISAJOVEN NGO members identified priority areas of work under:

-knowledge about the mission and responsibilities of NGOs .
-knowledge about the social sector.
-training and training in handling groups and meetings.
-Efficient time.
-Training and technical assistance in developing institutional poli-cies.
-training and advice in the formulation of strategic and operational plans for the Board.
-Training and skills training for conflict management and negotiation.
-Training in information management accounting, legal, financial, contracting with the state and national and international cooperation.
-training and self-monitoring processes for the management of the Board.
-specific advice in selection, induction and motivation of new members to the organization and the Board.
-training knowledge and skills to generate "value added" of the Board to the organization, and improve the performance of its members and democratic governance.

- planning and consultation: strengthening success factors

Consistent with the adoption of a participatory model of change, working with the Boards should be planned and agreed with them, according to its general and specific objectives and availability of time and resources. The planning involves scheduling activities, setting objectives and targets, pre-stop logistics as well as tools for monitoring and evaluation. The agreement means agreeing issues, priorities, schedules and resources.

While planning and coordination are tasks that require considerable time and patience, can not be ignored in any way if you want to achieve success in management.

- should generate added value

participatory change should re-orient and resize the new role that they have to take to the boards to ensure the sustainability and the reason for the organizations. To the extent that the process of training and skills add new knowledge, reflection and skills to the Board members will alter its attitudes and behaviors.

value added has to do with the timeliness, efficiency and effectiveness in strategic decision making and the formulation of clear and consistent, that point north to the executive management and operational team.

- is the opportunity to renew the social and human development of its members

Outreach as a volunteer member of an NGO means the possibility to express authentic human values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity, cooperation, philanthropy and the call to serve others. These values \u200b\u200bare the essential hallmark of the mission of NGOs in the world. This recognition means, at present, a serious commitment of the members of the boards to the state, society and the users of the programs. No longer enough "Wanting to do well." It is not enough to spend a few hours a week or month to the Board to meet the demands of modernity. NGOs require Boards Directives competent and qualified members.

Institutional strengthening of the boards will allow members the opportunity to renew its social commitment, knowing that their personal actions will help create a more just, democratic and equitable.

- Offer should consider strengthening the legal status of members of the Board members

Supply building must meet specific requirements, depending on the type of member partners: natural, workers, family or institutional. (See Article 11 of this book: What to do with partners and members of NGOs?)

- Qualify styles, improve flexibility and leadership effectiveness

is important to pay attention and focus on qualifying the is-lime, improve flexibility and effectiveness of the leadership of people in leadership positions in line of authority of the organization, especially the Presidency and the Executive Directorate. This strengthening should facilitate the formation of a shared leadership in organizations where there is none, and strengthen it where it already exists. Such action would enhance democratic governance and collective performance of the Board

Problem With Manhattan Mini Cam


By: Julian Salas Luis Rodas

Sociologist. Specialist and Master of Social Sciences
Foundation Executive Director Human Welfare /

1. Include the Board as an essential part of the system of quality management according to ISO 9001.

2. Work aim to generate added value to the organization.

3. Improving individual performance and group of board members.

4. Increase individual and group self-esteem of members of the Board.

5. Install the evaluation culture in the functioning of the Board, the President (a) and the Executive Director (a).

6. Develop objective indicators of process and outcome to account for the management of the Board.

7. Ensure democratic governance of the Board.

8. Maintain motivation, interest and identity of members of the Board with the organization

9. Ensure an atmosphere of respect, friendliness and understanding among all members.

10. Comply with efficiency, effectiveness, timeliness transparency and the responsibilities outlined to the Board, the bylaws of the organization.

11. Encourage the exercise of shared leadership between the President (a) of the Board and the Director (a) Executive (a).

12. Tend provided by a Board of committed, responsible and successful, that will enable the organization to make contributions to the country's social development, the creation of public goods, and the formation of citizenship and social capital.

13. Include the Board as an essential part of the system of quality management according to ISO 9001.

14. Work aim to generate added value to the organization.

15. Improve individual performance and group of board members

16. Increase individual and group self-esteem of members of the Board.

17. Install the evaluation culture in the functioning of the Board, the President (a) and the Executive Director (a).

18. Develop objective indicators of process and outcome to account for the management of the Board.

19. Ensure democratic governance of the Board.

20. Maintain motivation, interest and identity of members of the Board with the organization

21. Ensure an atmosphere of respect, friendliness and understanding among all members.

22. Comply with efficiency, effectiveness, timeliness and transparency of the responsibilities outlined to the Board, the bylaws of the organization.

23. Encourage the exercise of shared leadership between the President (a) of the Board and the Director (a) Executive (a).

24. Tend provided by a Board of committed, responsible and successful, that will enable the organization to make contributions to the country's social development, the creation of public goods, and the formation of citizenship and social capital.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Color Chart Numbering System

The added value of military service

An army is a virtual university for its citizens. According to civil service law in force in Guatemala, a citizen may choose to provide that service in two ways: as a social service or military service.

citizens who choose military service have the opportunity to acquire certain specialties that they may serve in their private lives at the end of regulation time of service.

The ultimate benefit will receive the community where citizens reside or work at the end of his mission as a soldier.

technical training courses and military that the Army of Guatemala is scheduled for 2011 for staff ranks high in any military brigade are:

Military Training

A. professional Gallons

B. Military Police

C. Basic Intelligence

D. Intelligence Advanced

E. Kaibil

F. Paratrooper

G. Sniper

H. Marine

I. Seamen

J. Naval Police

K. Diving

L. UN Instructor

M. Peace Operations

N. Explosives and demolitions

O. Basic Course soldier

Military Training

A. basic riding

B. Nursing Assistant

C. Operator military media

D. Update nursing procedures

E. Document Analysis

F. Driving and maintenance of light vehicles

G. Repair and maintenance of small arms

H. Mechanical dealer

I. international law of armed conflict

J. civil and humanitarian affairs

K. integral Cooperation

L. UN Staff in

M. UN observer

N. Member of UN contingent

O. UN Terminology

P. Logistics and Finance Un

Q. musical instruction command trumpet

R. war correspondent

S. Machines (naval)

T. Guide dogs

Technical Training

A. Equine

B. Monitor teaching the Constitution of the Republic

C. Monitor Human Rights education

D. Electronics technician

E. Computer

F. Computer Security

G. maintenance and computer equipment operators

H. Maintenance submersible pumps and centrifugal

I. Outboards

J. Electricity

K. Refrigeration

L. Health Education

M. Blacksmith Assistant

N. Carpentry Assistant

O. Kitchen Assistant

P. Technical tortilla team

Q. masonry Assistant

R. Gasolinero

S. Store Manager

T. File Manager

U. Assistant barber

V. Analysis, writing and spelling

W. Comprehensive Education Program Soldado (PEISOL): staff can complete their primary education, basic and diversified level while performing military service.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rates Of Property In Kharghar

Jungle Infantry Battalion Wars

The Jungle Infantry Battalion operations in the core zone of nature reserve Maya Biosphere "Laguna del Tigre" the purpose of providing jointly with other state institutions of governance that allows the development and security of the area.

was organized to the brigade used framed or decentralized operations of its rifle companies of the forest.

One of its main missions is to prevent territorial control by drug gangs and clandestine flights landing usually drug transport.

This is done through the critical control points on roads and waterways and land. Also be control patrols along the border.

is a tactical unit of the Jungle Infantry Brigade, able to operate in a jungle region, combining the fire, movement and close combat. Trained to develop fighting on foot. The battalion needs according to the situation, the upper echelon support vehicles, river and air media.

The battalion Jungle Infantry is characterized by its ability to operate continuously in jungle regions, under climatic conditions typical of these environments, because it can act quickly gets up offshore companies and their training to move through the vegetation and waterways.

can perform operations on aircraft and boats provided by the upper echelon, which allow you to act on specific items.

The ability to operate continuously in the regions of jungle, following his own psychological preparation, acclimatization, training and logistical support for combat in the operational environment.

The battalion can only operate in support of the National Civil Police.

governance area will be 100% when all other state institutions (PNC SAT Superintendency of Tax Administration, Attorney General, Judiciary, Immigration, Health, Education etc) arrive at similar proportion to land area and population size, to meet their specific missions along the Army.

infantry battalion

Masterbatution For Men


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Digital Playground Promotions

Mind beyond the concept of wet computer

Very custom used technological metaphor to talk about the mind as a powerful computer or, more precisely, as the "computer wet." There is much more logical operations and calculation processes information in mind, that mysterious organ into another and fertile emotions. Antonio Damasio, in his new book "And the brain created man " seeks to explain how the brain constructs the mind, that is, how can the brain create emotions, feelings, ideas and self? This knowledge is essential not only for life, but to understand a process as ductile as plastic and dynamic learning.

When we go to understand and promote learning in the classroom or in any other environment, such as virtual pedagogical explanation misses frequently revelations about how the mind for neuroscience. We need the scientific knowledge about the mind to decide on learning processes. Thus, their inclusion in the teacher training curriculum, as in the educational agenda, should be at the same speed with which neuroscientists are new findings.

As a preamble to it here leave some selected lines the interview that makes the country a Damasio, I do by way of personal self-imposed:

can not learn to move you to be sad, happy, compassionate, all that is already in the brain. But the degree to which those emotions are expressed can be educated, learn to modulate.

are very intelligent animals who can not modulate their emotions. Modulation of human emotion is a product of culture. Is a consequence of consciousness.

... One regulates the heartbeat, blood circulation, blood pressure, immunity, digestion, hormonal system ... and we can not interfere. Homeostasis keeps us from being too hot or too cold ... The other is social homeostasis, we can have justice, prosperity, economic, political parties, medicine and technology. Without awareness, we could never have created the social homeostasis. Would not
culture ...
Emotion is a program of actions. The human nervous system, or nervous system, is involved in a series of actions to protect ... Then there is the reading of that action. When you perceive what is happening in your body when you have that emotion, then there is the feeling. Excite is acting. Feeling is perceiving. Two are related. An emotion in general is a feeling, but refers to the action, while the sentiment is the perception of that action.

Human behavior is organized into layers. When we do something, or somebody does something, each layer sends a stronger, some of which we are aware and others not.
is there (in the brain stem) which produced the portraits of the most primal feelings. And whatever happens there is redrawn in the cerebral cortex.

If you destroy the back of the brain stem in humans, destroy consciousness. You go into a vegetative state from which you may never recover. It is a very important part of the brain that produces consciousness. If you miss some parts of the brain, or certain parts of the cerebral cortex as the cortex posterior mean, you're going to lose consciousness. Are very important to build sense of self, of being aware of I autobiographical.

(Einstein) I used to explain that in his theoretical work, when faced with a problem that needed solving, I did in terms of ecstasy to feel if something was right or not. Or if something was beautiful, like an equation.