Thursday, November 18, 2010

Womens Average 5 K Time


By: Julian Salas Luis Rodas

Sociologist. Specialist and Master in Social Sciences
Foundation Executive Director Human Welfare

http://www.bienhumano. org /

A board is a team under the leadership of a president (a) has as its main objective the strategic direction of the organization in charge. Forming a team involves establishing a structure, some functions, some roles and responsibilities. In the case of NGOs for their boards of directors must respond to time, fulfilling a dual responsibility: to ensure compliance with organizational mission and generating sufficient resources for sustainability and empowerment.

about conflict theories argue that it is inherent in human relationships as expressed conflicting interests and motivations. The conflict is destructive and negative when it meets a violent or decisions are imposed, a party to the other. The conflict is positive and desirable, when encouraged to change, when you transform and resolve situations peacefully. Conflict is a powerful incentive to shake the sterile routine and immobility that often fall on the boards for lack of leadership and motivation.

The consensus can be understood as a collective action, conscious and deliberate, to set aside individual interests to come together in a common interest. Without denying or avoiding conflict, building consensus and maintaining the practice is more democratic and healthy that a board may establish, provides both cohesion social affirmation and gives corporate identity to the guild and society, but not always possible to establish consensus nor prevent the harmful effects of a poorly resolved conflict on a board. Let us, then some of the risks for such situations arise:

• No clear boundaries between government and administration

In principle administrative theory indicates that the main role of a board as an organ of government is to govern and not manage. The board sets policies, sets guidelines, calls to account, have control. The administration, the head of the executive management, organize the work as teams, assigns responsibilities, mobilizes resources, monitors and evaluates projects, establishing contacts, alliances, does public relations. In the early days of an organization is essential that the board shares administrative tasks with the executive management. As time passes and strengthens the organization is essential to establish agreements between the board and management of those functions that remain shared, which correspond to the board and what to executive management. If this is not explicitly defined will be a permanent source of interference and conflict between them.

• North than in defining the strategic direction.

The strategic direction involves the principles of strategic management have been learned and incorporated in most NGOs. While exercises are performed addressing design and review and formulation of strategic and operational plans, NGOs are still weak in implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the latter. The strategic direction should not be task and responsibility of the board but a joint exercise with executive management and staff. If the definition being and to make the organization is only responsibility of the board can not presume to be shared and respected by the rest of the organization.

From top to bottom and from bottom to top, the definition of strategic management must be an exercise of democratic governance that ensures the exchange of opinions, concepts, dreams and aspirations. The participation of all legitimate and guarantees a horizon of meaning, one north to guide the direction of the organization. Can coexist not windy, otherwise the risk of loss and the occurrence of unnecessary conflicts between agencies that are struggling to impose its own northern openly or evening.

• Incompatibility of characters between the president (a) and director (a) Executive (a)

President (a) is the highest authority on the board. In his successful election and the results depend on commitment of the team. Is he or she who must be aware of the preparation and conduct of meetings. From his knowledge of the organization, leadership and emotional intelligence and social skills or not depends on the board to focus on your work and add value to the organization. Director (a) Executive (a) depends on the development of the mission expressed in plans, programs and projects, which run the team of employees and workers linked to the organization. It is the responsibility of the director (a) accountable to the President (a) and the full Board. Among them, the president (a) and director (a), there must be respect for the powers of each and a fluid and ongoing communication. Must have a shared leadership. Must share and bear witness to others of the same identity of mission, vision, principles and organizational policies. If identities are opposite, if disrespectful, if there is interference with the powers, if there are breakdowns in communication or recurrent clashes board meetings, organizational climate is affected, giving way to struggles for power involving divisions and factions among board members. If the inconsistency is extreme or evening, the board, in full, you must decide who stays and who goes ...

• Lack of internal regulations of the board or opt

The statutes set out the structure and general rules to regulate and observe the different levels of the organization. The regulations, however, regulate specific issues and the operation of each estate. The regulations shall contain provisions concerning the functions of the President (a), director (a) Executive (a) and secretary (a); conformation committees, decision making, subject to the matters discussed, conflicts of interest, submission of proposals, as a member loss, rotation and retention of members and non-regulated materials. Without rules the president (a) and the board are likely to resolve internal issues apparently taking only subjective or situational appropriateness. The advantage of a regulation is to avoid customization in decision making and conflict resolution. The regulations should be noted incompatibilities, prohibitions and penalty procedures. The rule is one more document, is to enforce it in cases warranted. The regulation must be known, approved by all board members, subject to periodic update.

• Putting personal interests to the board and the organization.

NGOs serving the common good and with the assistance of other stakeholders like the state and private companies build and maintain public goods of a country, such as justice, security, information, access to health, education, employment, housing and a healthy environment. NGOS human change, positive social change, are the expression of altruistic values and work within the framework of respect for human rights, have political influence to the extent that pressure and mobilize public authorities for the solution of social and community problems.

We said that the form boards and, as such persons are subject to the expression of emotions, attitudes, feelings and behaviors that depend, in turn, in different personality structures. Ambition, arrogance, pride, desire for representation, disrespect, lying, addiction to power, the malicious comments, obtaining profits and lack of commitment and ownership may give rise situations of unrest, division and strife among board members. Like the organization, the board has also its own organizational culture, which can help or hinder individual or group performance. Adverse weather, difficult to build and maintain consensus, preventing communication open, honest and effective, producing a loss of interest, generate unfeasible desertions and teamwork. There must be consistency and ethics between values \u200b\u200band higher principles of the organization and conduct of board members who will, always put their personal interests to those of the board and the organization. The board can not ignore, underestimate, or allow a conflict of interest are resolved in favor of a member against herself and the organization. In other words: not explicitly and who puts personal interests to those of the organization should resign ...

• The authoritarian exercise of power as destroyer of consensus.

As in all human relationships is a latent conflict, so is the authoritarian exercise of power. The boards of NGOs are not free of abuse of power either by an autocratic president, an autocratic executive management or a certain group of board members. For example the credit and recognition to the founder, who serves as president (a) or director (a) perpetual, or certain members Principals can not lead to thinking and acting as the sole owners of the organization. When this happens, the board becomes a formal entity that transgress their rights and that only serves to save face with statutory law and society.

The statutes establish a process of rotation and retention of board members is a good antidote to prevent authoritarian exercise of power. The boards are holders of a fiduciary by the state and society at both the capital and the assets of NGOs not owned by its founders, to its corporations, its partners and members but to the community, its very raison d'ĂȘtre. The authoritarian exercise of power is inconsistent with the construction and maintenance of consensus at a meeting, the consensus can only come and stay when they apply the principles of democratic governance, free expression and discussion of ideas of transparency, trust, respect, good treatment and the possibility of any member elected by peers as President (a) of the board.

If consensus against a particular situation is not possible because of the extreme divergence of views or interests, then vote secret is the right way to settle the conflicto.La majority prevails and the minority will apparently accept the verdict and continue to give up the resistance. It is in these situations where it gets a test of leadership and wisdom of President (a) of the board.

is therefore a matter of a board of an NGO that lead to identify risks and prevent destructive conflict and the continued building of consensus. The diligent attention to this task will depend on both its good performance as his integrity and image to the rest of the organization and society.


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