By: Julian Salas Luis Rodas
Sociologist: Specialist and Master in Social Sciences
Foundation Executive Director Human Welfare
bienhumano @ together.
net.co http://www.bienhumano.org/
-Strengthening: urgent action
external demands as a result of changes in relations with the state, aid agencies and communities, require modernization in the design and implementation of social management of NGOs. This task can not be done If the governing bodies and senior management of NGOs, do not take their commitment and responsibility to change, resistant attitudes aside. Continue postponing a decision in this regard, is to go against the sustainability of organizations.
In the last decade of the twentieth century, NGOs began building processes in order to qualify the social and administrative management. In Antioquia, the Corporation and the Federation PAISAJOVEN Antioquia NGOs, undertook to design and carry out institutional strengthening programs to member organizations. This offer has been directed mainly to train and qualify the Executive Offices and equipment operating in accordance with specific demands, but the boards have not been included as a target group, therefore there is no structured and systematic. Hence, it is mandatory for inclusion in the plans and agendas of institutional strengthening.
-should be a participatory and non-coercive change
participatory change in an organization is one that involves, through motivation, persuasion and consensus, individuals and groups in the transformation of attitudes and behaviors to improve performance and corporate results. Coercion and imposition, since up, get results fast but short-lived. Only participatory change and tangible sustainable successes achieved in the long term.
-knowledge and reflection are a prerequisite participatory
Knowledge and participatory reflection are the first moment of the action with the seals, are the "hook" that lets you start the process of institutional strengthening. Depending on the dynamics and organizational culture of each Board, their duration and degree of difficulty, but the purpose is not only learning new skills and social skills and managerial members of the Board, but the achievement of personal change in attitudes and behaviors that lead to change group of the full Board.
group's slow pace of change is predictable, given its difficulty and time to be perceived. Only by maintaining high motivation and support, you can get results. (See illustration)
participatory change as a process involves a sequence of actions in time, each with a greater degree of difficulty and complexity. The following illustration shows the process forward. (See illustration)
- Knowledge and participatory reflection should focus on strategic issues
The results of research on the boards and leadership styles PAISAJOVEN NGO members identified priority areas of work under:
-knowledge about the mission and responsibilities of NGOs .
-knowledge about the social sector.
-training and training in handling groups and meetings.
-Efficient time.
-Training and technical assistance in developing institutional poli-cies.
-training and advice in the formulation of strategic and operational plans for the Board.
-Training and skills training for conflict management and negotiation.
-Training in information management accounting, legal, financial, contracting with the state and national and international cooperation.
-training and self-monitoring processes for the management of the Board.
-specific advice in selection, induction and motivation of new members to the organization and the Board.
-training knowledge and skills to generate "value added" of the Board to the organization, and improve the performance of its members and democratic governance.
- planning and consultation: strengthening success factors
Consistent with the adoption of a participatory model of change, working with the Boards should be planned and agreed with them, according to its general and specific objectives and availability of time and resources. The planning involves scheduling activities, setting objectives and targets, pre-stop logistics as well as tools for monitoring and evaluation. The agreement means agreeing issues, priorities, schedules and resources.
While planning and coordination are tasks that require considerable time and patience, can not be ignored in any way if you want to achieve success in management.
- should generate added value
participatory change should re-orient and resize the new role that they have to take to the boards to ensure the sustainability and the reason for the organizations. To the extent that the process of training and skills add new knowledge, reflection and skills to the Board members will alter its attitudes and behaviors.
value added has to do with the timeliness, efficiency and effectiveness in strategic decision making and the formulation of clear and consistent, that point north to the executive management and operational team.
- is the opportunity to renew the social and human development of its members
Outreach as a volunteer member of an NGO means the possibility to express authentic human values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity, cooperation, philanthropy and the call to serve others. These values \u200b\u200bare the essential hallmark of the mission of NGOs in the world. This recognition means, at present, a serious commitment of the members of the boards to the state, society and the users of the programs. No longer enough "Wanting to do well." It is not enough to spend a few hours a week or month to the Board to meet the demands of modernity. NGOs require Boards Directives competent and qualified members.
Institutional strengthening of the boards will allow members the opportunity to renew its social commitment, knowing that their personal actions will help create a more just, democratic and equitable.
- Offer should consider strengthening the legal status of members of the Board members
Supply building must meet specific requirements, depending on the type of member partners: natural, workers, family or institutional. (See Article 11 of this book: What to do with partners and members of NGOs?)
- Qualify styles, improve flexibility and leadership effectiveness
is important to pay attention and focus on qualifying the is-lime, improve flexibility and effectiveness of the leadership of people in leadership positions in line of authority of the organization, especially the Presidency and the Executive Directorate. This strengthening should facilitate the formation of a shared leadership in organizations where there is none, and strengthen it where it already exists. Such action would enhance democratic governance and collective performance of the Board
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