Friday, January 28, 2011

If Two People Have Herpes

Guatemala in the peacekeeping mission in Haiti of the Brindisi

The Guatemalan contingent of military police missions met, safety and security personalities.

also supports the government in manders in control and public order. Read

report published in Prensa Libre

Free Press Photo

Saturday, January 22, 2011

36 Wkspregnant Should I Have A Root Canal


The complete sequence is to> document> translate> Share .

is what the scientists and inventors, ever since.

document what is done is very important because it allows other reproduce our results, and because it shows what works and - if we are honest - does not work .

has built the first village of hexayurts of which is aware of, in Brussels:

a documentary is being developed on Open Source Ecology:

is in http://openfarmtech. org/weblog/2011/01/factor-e-farm-documentary-forthcoming /

OSE: Timelapse Reel from Sean Church on Vimeo .

In the Canary Islands, a group of good people, those Canarnova are beginning to build things as part of the culture construyente:

(The next thing for me is to make a short video telling you of Canaripedia . You read some things, but I think not is the same: it is complementary.)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ballet Feet Stretcher

translate Organic Food Boxes

Already several of them in the Canary Islands sell boxes of vegetables and organic fruit home.
'll see if it keeps growing, but the model is available to copy and improve . (Click on the image to see a variation.)

The thing works if there is some predictability : that the farmer knows that you will have customers, and that the client knows that he will have availability. All this at a reasonable price for both. So in many places raises the possibility of subscribing : 1 isolated case so difficult, but leaves you weekly 1 box (each box) for 10% less or whatever.

A possible improvement would be to be allowed - not at home, because sometimes I am and sometimes not - but at a site close to home to me when I do I be comfortable . "In the back of a kiosk, with my key? What a huge local time, on my behalf?

If you know more, notices and updates.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Redken Conversion Chart

Hexayurt Village: Beyond the Brick

Vinay Gupta is these days Burning Ice, in Brussels.

talked to a group of artists in a very particular : within a "little theater Hexayurt."

Construction of hexayurts It took about 4 hours. With a stove and the warmth of the people gathered there, describing the temperature as nice, but I see coats. There are people sleeping in them these days. Vinay

mentioned the possibility of adding a layer of cement projected, as seen in mountains that are next to some roads in the Canary Islands: throw the cement with a "spray" to harden a surface. For greater strength, the surface can be covered with wire mesh as that used for rabbit cages. Ferrocement would .

In short, this is known technology. And it could allow fabrication low-cost housing. Transitional case of environmental refugees fleeing a innundación. Permanent case of other situations, such as "not wanting to pay mortgage." There

courage to make a village Hexayurt , or "hexaldea" formed by buildings, the degree of permanence that you want, and equipped with adequate infrastructure:
  • Lighting: LED lamps with solar panels and small batteries . As the inner surface is reflective, it seems that few watts there is enough light.
  • Plates: Vinay built a brick oven for something like 78 euros.
  • toilets: composting .
  • Water filters, storage strategies may Paul Polak type.
  • Communications: wireless. Did you know that in India there more people with mobile phone access (45%) than WC (31%) ?
  • ...
The economy is as follows: to have telephone infrastructure before had to put cables, and the first phone across the desert was very expensive. Now satellites are used, a different type of infrastructure. With these homes, the potential for reducing cost is very high. And

homelessness (due to poverty or disaster) there are many around the world. I do not know how many in the Canaries. Half-environmental refugees will be an estimated 100 million people: the Canary Islands population multiplied by 50.

The fact is that it takes time thinking about these things, and it seems the time is approaching.

We can see the practicality, costs and quality of life. Then we can improve it. For these homes, which start as temporary and cheap, are curable until they are "right" to a more than reasonable cost.

  • A little dirt.
  • A little money.
  • A group of people who want to live there, at least one season, and document. A mini big-brother? Is this summer? What Canary?
  • Information on local building regulations. This must be done within the law, of course. How much of "permanent" is "permanent"? I mean, if you make a cemented Hexayurt that can move from site (with a small crane), is that a "tent" or "home"?
  • activities to do while living there: normal life if you go to work at your old place, cultivate if you're a farmer or a hippie (of those who grow) manufacturing machinery if you are "reprapero", etc.
  • I do not think that much more, but I will point you in the comments.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Merylin Sakova Stream

One day ...

was a sailor who had several voyages at sea ...

He tells his master!

--- Captain!, Captain!: When docked Captain ....? ---

The captain stared at the sailor sees and says

Tonight --- --- docked sailor ...

That night the sailor goes to a tavern and said port the bartender ...

--- Tarbernero ....! Give me to drink because I'm drunk sailor. ---

The innkeeper to hear those words presumably thinks ..., saying: juguémosle a joke, a glass of water serve Him ...

as this sailor not knowing the difference in spring water and the true were burning ...

We serve the cup of water ...

The sailor to give you sip the cup of water spits and cries ....

crystal clear water and pure
side of frogs and toads
dishwasher and cloths
Do you want me I drink?
... well no,
it is written in the holy
laws that water was made for oxen
women, beers and fine wines
were made for us good sailors
and God is a wealth of kindness and we
its good guys
drunk as we did
Thy will be ...

--- Marine! Are we all? --- ---
Yes we are! --- --- How knights
comply --- Yes! --- ---
do women love? --- ---
! Not worship the
--- --- How long we do not take
--- --- --- uuuuuuuu
ago --- Well then, drink ---

From port to starboard
of the fore and aft of the keel
the knob
the center and in

Marino The toast is a tradition of naval forces.

View photographs of the 52 anniversary Marine National Defense

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Vancouver Closet Doors

Advertise your project - Minicom

What follows is the local copy of an ancient document (2003) I created and published in

At this point, I do not know if it can be improved, discarded, become a piece of software, or what.

Probably the best are questions that underlined in blue below.

Advertise your project - Minicom

Author: Lucas Gonzalez Santa Cruz

first revision August 3, 2002. Publishing, June 15, 2003.
Many projects are done without that information reaches people who are interested in them. This document provides guidance that can be useful for drivers of a project. It can also be used by those within a "community" determined, want to support existing initiatives and make them known to those interested in such information.

Introduction: Drivers and communicators
Communities Activities proposed for the boosters
Activities proposed for Communicators
proposals to the Community Activities List of Essential Questions
To Publicize Your Project

Source available online or:
export CVSROOT =: pserver: anonymous @ cvs . / home / cvs / doc

cvs login cvs co howto / projpub

1 Introduction: Drivers and communicators Communities

Many people work on projects for long periods and with great enthusiasm. To these people the drivers will call, and can do things as diverse as programming, writing or translating documentation, organizing install fests, or doing any other activity that benefits users of free software.

However, only part of the "drivers" have time, desire, dedication and confidence in their skills as communicators, "so that in many cases end up not publicize or their intentions or the outcome of their work .

Later, those same "drivers" are complaining that they have help. Those who could help complain that nobody told them anything. The community has a sense (real) that is not aware of what happens in its own ranks. The project itself grows less than it could grow. And, when projects are initiated "duplicate" each project does not benefit the whole mass of "drivers" that exists.

This document provides guidance that can be useful to the "drivers."

addition, this document could be useful to other members of the "community" that could help publicizing the projects of the "drivers". These taxpayers will call "communicators." These "journalists" are those who, often spontaneously assume the role of telling others the news within a given community. In addition to individuals, there may be "automatic communicators" in the form of mailing lists, forums or weblogs, etc.

Both "drivers" and "communicators" serve their "community." In this document, refers to "the Community" as "fractal" in the sense that there are communities within larger communities that are within the larger community. We must decide what level of "community" we publicize our efforts, a party must advertise to those who may attend a program for those who may develop or use, etc.

2 Activities proposed for the boosters

Based on the questions proposed in Section 5, the "driver" (or "Communicator") will build the questionnaire. In Section 5 has made an effort to include the minimum number of questions "stakeholders" often want to see answered. However, the "driver" or "communicator" may add new questions, bring the text of the questions or delete some.

Then the "driver" (aided or not by the "communicator") respond to the questionnaire in a text file. The answers may be as short as a syllable or as long as several pages. (The "communicator", where appropriate, may request clarification or more information.)

Third, the "driver" must decide which "communicator" wants to send its report and send it.

Alternatively, questions can be answered in a chat or a conversation developed with physical presence or by telephone. No matter what, the important thing is that the answer to the questions selected.

At the time, the "driver" may send updates to the same initial format and the necessary adjustments.

3 Activities proposed for Communicators

The "journalists" as people interested in redistributing information on what is done in a given community may have a partial knowledge that "someone is doing something," without much details. It also may not know but want to poll the community to know "who is doing something. "In any case, the first will get a list of such persons and the name or general topic of their projects.

Second, the" journalists "can use the questions in section 5, adapted to the extent as they consider necessary. If you do not want to do that work, may also send the full mini-HOWTO or a link to a website where is this mini-HOWTO.

So the "drivers" can perform the actions described in Section 3: essentially, answer the questions selected to account for your project, and to get answers to the "Communicator".

Upon receiving the text sent by the "drivers" "communicators" can communicate with the first for more information, clarifications, etc.

Finally, advertising may give the answers by any means deemed most appropriate: mailing lists, forums or weblogs, meetings, etc.

4 proposals for the Community Activities

the part of the "community" ("leaders" or any member), it is possible to present this mini-HOWTO to motivate the "drivers" and "community" are requested to contact. This activity involves motivating responsibility not to act as a "communicator."

is also possible that some members of the community focus on finalizing the media (lists, forums, etc) to "drive" and "communicators" talk to each other and the community.

5 List of Essential Questions To Publicize Your Project
  • What is, in short, your project?
  • What motivated you to get it going? How long have you been preparing?
  • What you got done so far? What do you think are important achievements?
  • What difficulties have you found? What's left to do?
  • Who benefits from your project? Who may be interested in the results?
  • Who may participate in the development or preparation of the project? What would you do?
  • What else I have not asked and want to tell?

6 Acknowledgements This document could not have done it without the stimulus provided by Kerberos (who did an email interview to which he responded very nicely), Magaly (which we stressed the importance of exposing the projects in which people work each "community") Miguev (who supported me in carrying out the mini-HOW and with whom we have a joint project that will have to advertise), and li-po (read it whole and helped me to adapt the terminology and correct some errors .)

Gay Truths And Dares Questions

I saw it on this page .

In English, if you want to search with google, they are called "Earth Sheltered Greenhouse."

used to very cold places, but I suspect it could also be used in very windy.

If you're going to build many, it might be half matter of digging the hole, and use the extra land to do with her walls.

They want the OSE / OpenFarmTech is to build all the necessary elements: tractor, brick factory, manufacture of glass or plastic, compressed air machine.

you starting to make sense?

Best Gay Cruise Spots In Fort Worth, Tx

Greenhouses protected land and Culture manufacturer planned obsolescence

The obsolescence is to make things that do not last, so you have to buy spare parts or upgrades. Based on a world view as "horn of plenty", replete of infinite resources, what we are doing is convert natural resources into garbage .

This is untenable, and this is unsustainable not hold .


sail on the idea . Become the idea is the hardest. The following will be:
  1. Build to last. As this bulb has turned 100 years .
  2. Building for complete recycling.
blog In Canarnova we mentioned the following video on distributed manufacturing and Arduino.

Arduino The Documentary (2010) English HD from gnd on Vimeo .

and his page in wiki of Open Farm Tech is this video about his plans to create 50 open source machines based on the inverse of the "programmed obsolescence."

'll see a lot about "culture manufacturer, and the like, in 2011.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Are There Any Shemale In World

innovate is to stop being spectators

is a series of reflections that has generated a great TV (RTVE) entitled I Camar a. The CCCB program "that played the theme of Innovations (video) today. Develop between visual nuances and different voices specialized theme of the impact of changes in the new cultural landscape where media convergence, the culture of participation and the creation of distributed networks are key issues.

My idea is to open what the content of this video has led me. The main thing to recognize that innovation is to stop being a spectator. What do you think?
  • Innovation (I + D + i) involves the C of culture, culture of innovation: there is no tradition of creative innovation and largely have to move forward looking in the rearview mirror.
  • Media convergence requires multiple platforms, but about understanding the consumer over the collective creation.
  • is not the same collective intelligence to collective intelligence, the latter involves goals, dynamics, implications, etc.
  • On the Internet, Person of the Year is not you, is the amateur
  • Basic questions to better understand the social development of the web are we more-intelligent, manipulative, powerful, cruel, creative, compliant, productive, shallow- together or separately?
  • Innovation unpredictable for orthodoxy, is produced from peripheral glances, but not from places peripherals.
  • What about cultural institutions? Any cultural institution is another thing is what happens to institutions that promote culture, indeed, what culture.
  • Not everyone involved, nor are all creators-not have to be-in Web 2.0, but the environment helps us to take advantage of collaboration.
  • Internet is part of sociocultural evolution interactive, global, creative and collaborative (and cooperative).
Innovation indicators an evolving concept.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Feel Ocular Herpes?

Beyond Teaching II materialism

The report on the Information Society in Spain 2010 just been submitted by the Telefónica Foundation (see video) . No doubt, like any study, analysis is not complete because the reality is split is. What is clear is that this report is a source of data and conclusions must be known, even to oppose, and outline other studies and to validate the hypothesis that there are reported, repeat hypothesis, because social scientists working with it . This annual analysis effort, as is the eleventh edition, figure reveals a trend and the state of the art of the Network Society in Spain.

But this report I take a section that draws my attention to give to the subject data and then where to learn? and the responses it generates and online learning with , not only as teaching material, but as educational environment.

Globally, the report sees the Information Society in the World a reality increasingly mobile. It cites, for example, the penetration of mobile telephony as an indicator of this fact. The penetration of the first countries worldwide reach, according to the report, 30% of users while in the third world 70%. On the other hand, mobile telephony penetration world holds 67%, according to data collected at the end of 2010 estimates of the ITU, while internet is 27% and fixed at 18%.

In the case of Spain, the trend is still growing the world of portable devices, touch and connected. The mobile status of English households has risen markedly reaching 94.6% getting well behind TV (99.5%), but above the DVD (78.4%) and computers (68.7%).

But the fact stands out most in this process redefinition of the "places" where learning is the subject of Internet connection (see picture) where after the classic Internet access in English homes via computer (98.5%), the mobile is the second access device (25.4%). We follow the console (18.3%)-another important theme of the games, and television (3.8%). This is what to do with formal education, but mostly informal, where environments are becoming very social and mobile? Now, you have to see the applications that are given, another topic, more research.

In conclusion, Internet seen from sociocultural theory and in light of its dynamics, is a less ubiquitous social environment, gradually becoming part of the user's skin . The eLearning must continue rethinking the pedagogy of virtual space-and social-mobile, every time.

An example graphical environment and not the Internet as educational material, an issue alluded to beyond the didactic material, leave this video I just saw:

Image: Funfación Telefónica.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pokemon Indigo Room With Leafeon

Isaac Canales Quevedo, In memoriam

Many are teachers, few teachers. The latter connotation is applicable to the Master that one day this January has left us after a brief but deadly unrest. Isaac Canales Quevedo, for us students, it continues to inspire academic and teaching staff because they still think and move you through education.

I met him a year to enter the Faculty of Education at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and with it, I recognized that educational practice had "demanded" a theoretical and a utopia, and that support could-should - be interdisciplinary. In our meetings, classes, marched commonly called names, experiences, studies, data, insights and visions that-at last helped me understand that education had its own language, but mostly I found that education was a year of change claimed the individual and society.

The teaching practice was an extension of his vision of education that ran between the critical analysis, and of course, ironic about the educational reality and trends while, so, if contertulio-and recreational-in communicative construction. All this meant that many us closer to him wanting to learn. I remember well, how great was able to discuss with your teacher education! Knowing that the narrowest of education is the classroom, that education is walking behind a social purpose, which involves a commitment to educate axiological or enjoy the great pleasure of knowing San Marcos were recurring themes.

Therefore, far from mediocrity that drives teachers with the knowledge to be truant for fear of losing the status of teacher, Don Isaac, used his momentum to create open critical nuclei in college students ( teaching assistants) where many other grateful as I started to create and believe in what we did ... Don Isaac focused a lot, made chair.

Thanks for being a friend dear master, thank you friend by being a teacher.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Nyu Dental Implant Cost

"Humanizing the technologized technology or the human?

is not a strong disjunction, where you must decide on the truth of p -humanizing technology q-o-technologized the human, the question is rather a weak disjunction, which supports the possibility that p and q are true together. But beyond the logic, I confess that this was the question that popped into my mind when watching this video I add here below.

Put a human face to the robot's video can be a symptom of humanization of technology, as to the teacher next to the robot represent a symptom of the technological process of human. Both ideas admissible. But far from being a Manichean, the contents of the video demonstrates the sociocultural process that prints the current technology to education, and technology education.

Engkey This is a robot developed by the Korea Institute of Science of Technology (KIST) for teaching English, which justifies the western face of robot-teacher. The robot is part of the pilot program implemented in 21 elementary schools in Daegu, South Korea. According to the press , the 29 robots of about one meter high, are controlled remotely by teachers of English in the Philippines.

Besides being cheaper to hire Filipino teachers, labor outsourcing, and "materialize" as the robot, the project has the impression of two advantages of this system as RWWES : "First, stimulation of children to be before something that is attractive as a technology. The second, which reduces the barrier of participation in class that raises the fear of educators. "

These benefits are to be validated, no doubt, but no exclusion ... is not the introduction of a robot, but a remote teacher or the machine is sophisticated, but the technological response to a need.