Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Redken Conversion Chart

Hexayurt Village: Beyond the Brick

Vinay Gupta is these days Burning Ice, in Brussels.

talked to a group of artists in a very particular : within a "little theater Hexayurt."

Construction of hexayurts It took about 4 hours. With a stove and the warmth of the people gathered there, describing the temperature as nice, but I see coats. There are people sleeping in them these days. Vinay

mentioned the possibility of adding a layer of cement projected, as seen in mountains that are next to some roads in the Canary Islands: throw the cement with a "spray" to harden a surface. For greater strength, the surface can be covered with wire mesh as that used for rabbit cages. Ferrocement would .

In short, this is known technology. And it could allow fabrication low-cost housing. Transitional case of environmental refugees fleeing a innundaciĆ³n. Permanent case of other situations, such as "not wanting to pay mortgage." There

courage to make a village Hexayurt , or "hexaldea" formed by buildings, the degree of permanence that you want, and equipped with adequate infrastructure:
  • Lighting: LED lamps with solar panels and small batteries . As the inner surface is reflective, it seems that few watts there is enough light.
  • Plates: Vinay built a brick oven for something like 78 euros.
  • toilets: composting .
  • Water filters, storage strategies may Paul Polak type.
  • Communications: wireless. Did you know that in India there more people with mobile phone access (45%) than WC (31%) ?
  • ...
The economy is as follows: to have telephone infrastructure before had to put cables, and the first phone across the desert was very expensive. Now satellites are used, a different type of infrastructure. With these homes, the potential for reducing cost is very high. And

homelessness (due to poverty or disaster) there are many around the world. I do not know how many in the Canaries. Half-environmental refugees will be an estimated 100 million people: the Canary Islands population multiplied by 50.

The fact is that it takes time thinking about these things, and it seems the time is approaching.

We can see the practicality, costs and quality of life. Then we can improve it. For these homes, which start as temporary and cheap, are curable until they are "right" to a more than reasonable cost.

  • A little dirt.
  • A little money.
  • A group of people who want to live there, at least one season, and document. A mini big-brother? Is this summer? What Canary?
  • Information on local building regulations. This must be done within the law, of course. How much of "permanent" is "permanent"? I mean, if you make a cemented Hexayurt that can move from site (with a small crane), is that a "tent" or "home"?
  • activities to do while living there: normal life if you go to work at your old place, cultivate if you're a farmer or a hippie (of those who grow) manufacturing machinery if you are "reprapero", etc.
  • I do not think that much more, but I will point you in the comments.


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