Saturday, January 15, 2011

Best Gay Cruise Spots In Fort Worth, Tx

Greenhouses protected land and Culture manufacturer planned obsolescence

The obsolescence is to make things that do not last, so you have to buy spare parts or upgrades. Based on a world view as "horn of plenty", replete of infinite resources, what we are doing is convert natural resources into garbage .

This is untenable, and this is unsustainable not hold .


sail on the idea . Become the idea is the hardest. The following will be:
  1. Build to last. As this bulb has turned 100 years .
  2. Building for complete recycling.
blog In Canarnova we mentioned the following video on distributed manufacturing and Arduino.

Arduino The Documentary (2010) English HD from gnd on Vimeo .

and his page in wiki of Open Farm Tech is this video about his plans to create 50 open source machines based on the inverse of the "programmed obsolescence."

'll see a lot about "culture manufacturer, and the like, in 2011.


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