Thursday, January 13, 2011

Are There Any Shemale In World

innovate is to stop being spectators

is a series of reflections that has generated a great TV (RTVE) entitled I Camar a. The CCCB program "that played the theme of Innovations (video) today. Develop between visual nuances and different voices specialized theme of the impact of changes in the new cultural landscape where media convergence, the culture of participation and the creation of distributed networks are key issues.

My idea is to open what the content of this video has led me. The main thing to recognize that innovation is to stop being a spectator. What do you think?
  • Innovation (I + D + i) involves the C of culture, culture of innovation: there is no tradition of creative innovation and largely have to move forward looking in the rearview mirror.
  • Media convergence requires multiple platforms, but about understanding the consumer over the collective creation.
  • is not the same collective intelligence to collective intelligence, the latter involves goals, dynamics, implications, etc.
  • On the Internet, Person of the Year is not you, is the amateur
  • Basic questions to better understand the social development of the web are we more-intelligent, manipulative, powerful, cruel, creative, compliant, productive, shallow- together or separately?
  • Innovation unpredictable for orthodoxy, is produced from peripheral glances, but not from places peripherals.
  • What about cultural institutions? Any cultural institution is another thing is what happens to institutions that promote culture, indeed, what culture.
  • Not everyone involved, nor are all creators-not have to be-in Web 2.0, but the environment helps us to take advantage of collaboration.
  • Internet is part of sociocultural evolution interactive, global, creative and collaborative (and cooperative).
Innovation indicators an evolving concept.


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