Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Feel Ocular Herpes?

Beyond Teaching II materialism

The report on the Information Society in Spain 2010 just been submitted by the Telefónica Foundation (see video) . No doubt, like any study, analysis is not complete because the reality is split is. What is clear is that this report is a source of data and conclusions must be known, even to oppose, and outline other studies and to validate the hypothesis that there are reported, repeat hypothesis, because social scientists working with it . This annual analysis effort, as is the eleventh edition, figure reveals a trend and the state of the art of the Network Society in Spain.

But this report I take a section that draws my attention to give to the subject data and then where to learn? and the responses it generates and online learning with , not only as teaching material, but as educational environment.

Globally, the report sees the Information Society in the World a reality increasingly mobile. It cites, for example, the penetration of mobile telephony as an indicator of this fact. The penetration of the first countries worldwide reach, according to the report, 30% of users while in the third world 70%. On the other hand, mobile telephony penetration world holds 67%, according to data collected at the end of 2010 estimates of the ITU, while internet is 27% and fixed at 18%.

In the case of Spain, the trend is still growing the world of portable devices, touch and connected. The mobile status of English households has risen markedly reaching 94.6% getting well behind TV (99.5%), but above the DVD (78.4%) and computers (68.7%).

But the fact stands out most in this process redefinition of the "places" where learning is the subject of Internet connection (see picture) where after the classic Internet access in English homes via computer (98.5%), the mobile is the second access device (25.4%). We follow the console (18.3%)-another important theme of the games, and television (3.8%). This is what to do with formal education, but mostly informal, where environments are becoming very social and mobile? Now, you have to see the applications that are given, another topic, more research.

In conclusion, Internet seen from sociocultural theory and in light of its dynamics, is a less ubiquitous social environment, gradually becoming part of the user's skin . The eLearning must continue rethinking the pedagogy of virtual space-and social-mobile, every time.

An example graphical environment and not the Internet as educational material, an issue alluded to beyond the didactic material, leave this video I just saw:

Image: Funfación Telefónica.


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