Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Delete Poptrpopica Files

Use of Force

I am participating in the "Specialization Course on rules governing the use of force in operations to preserve the rule of law ', sponsored by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

This statement is being received at the facilities of the Navy Department of the Navy of Mexico (SEMARNAT) in Mexico City DF.

The instruction provides the latest update of the rules related to the "Use of Force" that the ICRC should observe all the countries whose armed forces are involved directly or indirectly (in support of the police) to maintain public order.

is also doing a recap of current international law and is binding on States on the same subject.

addition SEMAR naval officers, are participating five heads of the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA).

The use of force under the Law of Human Rights is being tested every day, in the light of cases of real and fictitious examples that seek to exercise the highest decision making level and its impact in military training programs for these purposes.


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