Luis Julián Salas Roda s
Sociologist. Specialist and Master of Social Sciences
Foundation Executive Director Human Welfare
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An NGO is not a social movement, a network or an informal committee of volunteers. In terms of formal organization that intends to remain at the time serving a social mission, an NGO is a team of people working relationships and share responsibilities according to a particular hierarchical structure.
NGOs are human creations, are made by people regardless of their size, are a complex and dynamic structure of relationship necessary between the parties and everything to achieve the objectives. Power, conflict, authority, governance inherent in any organization, whether state, corporate or social. What is the chain of command? Who and how to exercise power and authority? Is there heads (as)-leaders or heads only (as)? What conflicts arise and how they face? What is governance type: authoritarian or democratic? These are critical issues when analyzing the structure and functioning of an NGO.
In any organization, formal or informal, must define their estates and those who exercise power, make decisions and assume responsibilities. Governance of the organization depends on how much possess, legality and legitimacy management. Governance is authoritarian or democratic it is a matter that permeates the entire organization facilitating or hindering the exercise of power.
In general, the organizational structure of an NGO formed an assembly of partners (as), which are voluntary and unpaid, which is the highest authority, a board elected by the assembly for given period, a director (a) Executive (a) the appointment and removal by the board, and a team of professionals and employees performing administrative and social activities correlated to the organizational mission.
The designation and the president's performance (a) of the board and the director (a) Executive (a) is of utmost importance and significance to any NGO in that it deals with governance . The statutes and regulations define the functions and roles of both. There is no doubt that statutes and regulations provide clear and well written work and the necessary skills but are not sufficient to ensure harmony and understanding between them (as), which must share the leadership for the smooth running of the organization . From my experience and professional experience as CEO and President NGO boards of directors, I summarize the following thoughts on the subject:
- Mutual respect: Respect is the attitude of consideration, reverence, courtesy and deference that we feel for others in care age, knowledge, merit or authority. The lack of respect leads to disqualification, to prejudice, to the expression of offensive opinions, the mockery and the undervaluation of the parties. The mutual respect between the president (a) and director (a) Executive (a) should be given both in terms of the statutory powers, roles and functions as in the treatment of the personal. No mutual respect is not possible to maintain a relationship, much less the exercise of shared leadership.
- Mutual trust: Trust that security understood as one has in itself, on the other and others. States that trust is the glue of human relationships. When this is lost and install the distrust, relationships deteriorate, they are finished. If there is genuine trust between the president (a) and the Executive Director (a) the relationship suffers, cracks respect and communication is difficult.
- Mutual and fluid communication: Communication is the act of expressing, in a gestural, physical, verbal or written, thoughts, feelings and emotions. Communicate means to involve the other in a conversation. An organization is a permanent communications network, from the activities that generate employment relationships and everyday life. There are always issues and topics to talk about between the president (a) and director (a). If there is mutual respect and trust between them is not possible a free and easy communication between them (as). Should establish ways, circumstances and appropriate channels to communicate. Videoconferencing, chat, email, cell phone are available resources in addition to traditional landline phone. President (a) and director (s) should meet before the monthly board meeting to set the agenda and how the issues were addressed. The presence and guidance of the Board by the President is delegated. His repeated absence is not appropriate. It requires open availability between the parties for the flow of active listening. The lack of communication or miscommunication spring is not only the relations between them (as), is an issue that affects the entire organization and especially the functioning of the board.
- sincerity, empathy, transparency and fairness : Being honest is to act and speak according to what one thinks, feels or believes. Of empathy the dictionary of the Royal English Academy is "mental and emotional identification of a subject with the mood of another." Transparency is one quality that allows the inside of a person or object. Loyalty is the value that refers to the inability of a person to betray or deceive another. The relationship between the president (a) and director (a), like any human relationship should be based on those values. When the parties come to lies, deceit, pretense and concealment, are affecting the trust and respect and communication, and can no longer be the "chemistry" of empathy, understanding and harmony. Paid field for intrigue, the division and rarefaction of the organizational climate of the board. The consequences are therefore harmful ...
- Share addressing and organizational strategic plan : The design, construction, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of strategic management is a task that brings together the efforts and interest levels of the organization. The president (a) and director (a) Executive (a) are the natural leaders of that process, which Once concluded and determined, must be obeyed by all. The maintenance of divergent interests creates conflicts and disagreements that are reflected both in the board and the computer operating. If you do not share a common identity and sense of belonging to the organization cracks originating in the exercise of shared leadership.
- Successful appoint directors (as): Among the important decisions to be taken by a board of directors as is choosing people who will serve as president (a) of the Board and a director (a ) Executive (a) of the organization. Not always have defined criteria for the choice to consult the requirements of the organization in their life cycle, the objectives of the strategic plan, institutional relations and organizational culture. In many cases the choice is a product of cronyism, of the situation, the availability or interests. When so should we run the risk of a wrong decision by the board members whose consequences are, among others, the exacerbation of conflicts, the loss of the organization, loss of leadership, the removal of directors or confusion operating team. If there is mistake in the appointment of managers, sooner or later, it is necessary to correct the course, failing to address diverse and serious problems in the organization. There are, of course, other factors to consider in the election of directors such as age, gender, educational level, socioeconomic status, knowledge, skills, work skills and personal references. However, President (a) and director (a) may think differently, to express views do not coincide, nor is imperative that we be given a close friendship that dilutes the boundaries of personal and institutional. The important thing is how they solve the differences, taking into account the interest of the organization on individuals. In these cases matter as much what is said as how you say. If differences disagreements of opinion become permanent, one of the two must go ...
Pesa and much, if the founders are still alive (as) and whether they exercise managerial positions. There are objective reasons and subjective performance of personality that should be weighed equally when the right choice, which are the sole responsibility of the members of the board. However, achieving proper designation of executives (as) and a good performance from them (as) does not mean that the remaining board members will sit passively and become passive spectators. No. Shared leadership and example of managers (as) should encourage participation other members in all matters pertaining to a board, including being prepared to take its place, joint or generational.
President (a) has the responsibility to think and act as leader of the board and be recognized as such, the director (a), in turn, must act as team leader professionals and employees and recognized as such. In principle, it is assumed that the governing board and management direction but the reality in many NGOs, is to co-govern and co-administered at the same time, ie that the functions are not clearly demarcated and the two estates are shared. In these cases, both the president (a) as the director (a) are exposed to present conflicts and disagreements. Given this situation become more important to mitigate the risks, valuation and practice of mutual respect, mutual trust and mutual fluid communication between them (as).
Independent management model (there is no single best model, each NGO that builds the best estimates) is desirable that managers (as) main board chairman and director (a) think, act and be seen by the other partners, employees and group of stakeholders as a dynamic duo that leads, encourages and positions the organization at all levels and instances. This is in contrast to a president (a) authoritarian or protocol with a director (a) submissive or usurper. Leadership is not as is sometimes believed, a personal quality, is also a quality group, collectively. Leadership is the inner force that motivates and drives us to act beyond the ordinary, of the normative, of the contract. When organizations lack leaders stagnate, do not innovate, do not contribute to change, is affected in its governance. Shared leadership that we propose is the union and the alternation of wills, purposes and efforts that allow NGOs to influence the development of a country with more opportunities and better people groups, families and communities.
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